When you have a new baby, it can be hard to get out for some air, to stretch your legs, to get some chores or to meet your friends. That’s why it’s a great idea to time your walks around your baby’s sleep schedule and use your stroller. With SnoozeShade, you can keep your baby’s naps on track while having some me-time.
Is it Safe for My Baby to Nap in the Pushchair?
Many new parents get a little obsessive about their baby’s nap schedule and whether you are a follower of the Gina Ford method of rigid schedules, or like to take it a little more easily, you may wonder if it’s safe and healthy for your baby to have some of her naps in the stroller. The answer is yes, it’s completely safe and has additional benefits, too.
How Should My Baby Lie?
For a newborn, you want to make sure that your baby is lying as flat as possible on a firm surface for naps. That’s why a carrycot or bassinet on the stroller is idea for the first few months. Some carrycots double up as overnight sleeping cribs too – check out which carrycots are safe for overnight sleeping when you buy your stroller and you can save yourself money on purchasing a crib or Moses basket.
If you don’t want to go to the expense of a carrycot or bassinet, make sure that the seat unit of your chosen stroller lies completely flat - take advice from your local independent nursery store staff to find one that suits your needs.
If your baby is a little older and has been sitting up, enjoying the view as you stroll, make sure you recline the seat as soon as they fall asleep. This is the safest position for sleeping. Of course, as your child will be held by the harness, you don’t need to worry about your child rolling over.
Advantages of Outdoor Naps in the Pushchair
When you have a newborn, everything is new to them and so they are actually very adaptable to new people, circumstances and locations. That’s why using the stroller for some of your baby’s naps during the day means that your baby will be open to sleeping in different places. The last thing you need is a baby that will only sleep in their cot and can’t nap anywhere else!
While strolling, your little one is getting plenty of fresh air. Make sure your routes are away from heavy traffic and choose a walk that offers plenty of green space if you can, plus a café or two along the way for pit stops!
Fresh Air and Exercise Makes for a Happy Mummy
For you, being at home with a small baby can limit your horizons temporarily and you may feel that you are often stuck at home. Walking is one of the ways you can take back some control - and you have a very effective piece of exercise equipment right there.

Walking with a Pushchair Exercises
- your leg and bottom muscles
- your abs – especially in tipping the stroller up curbs
- your pelvic floor
Start small and go out for a short while every day at times when your baby is due a nap – after a feed is great, so prepare everything you need before your baby is hungry. If you’ve had a Caesarean, use the slopes in the curb and be careful about pushing down on the stroller’s handle.
The fresh air, blue sky and green spaces have a positive effect on your mood. Plus, research shows that babies who have plenty of fresh air sleep better too!
Once you have started your new walking routine, aim to increase the distance a little each time, until you’re doing around 20 minutes three times a week. Walking up hills targets different muscle groups too.
Why not turn your walks with your baby into an opportunity to catch up with friends, perhaps those you met at parenting classes? Meet at a mutually convenient point, go for a good stroll and end up at a café or baby class.
Don’t Forget to Take All You Need Out With You!
- Your baby changing bag with a change of clothes, diapers, wipes etc
- Your baby’s food, snacks, bottle
- A drink to keep you hydrated – water in a reusable flask is ideal and a snack
- Your SnoozeShade to keep the pram calm, dark and suitable for great quality sleep
- Sunscreen if it’s sunny, wet weather gear if it’s raining
- A comforter to cover your baby with if the weather turns colder
Make sure you wear good, supportive sneakers and comfortable clothes!
Do you like taking walks with your baby in their stroller at nap times? Share your thoughts with our online community.
Further Reading:
Looking for a Running Stroller? See Our Pick of the Best
Get Started with Some New Mum Exercise
Which SnoozeShade Should I Choose for my Pushchair?